Yearly Archives: 2018
Installing a Key Fob System
Posted on December 24, 2018 at 12:27 pm
For businesses, your security and staff safety are the most important parts of your everyday operation. A key fob system can help you meet your aims in terms of keeping your property and staff secure, by only allowing authorised people to get into the building. You can have a key fob system installed easily by a qualified electrician or locksmith, who will be able to advise you on the right kind of system to meet your needs.
If you are thinking about installing a key fob system, you should look into different companies who could fit one for you. They will be able to install locks on all doors which are compatible with key fobs, which can then be given out to your members of staff. They will be able to open the doors easily by pressing the fob to them, releasing the lock so they can gain secure access.
Posted in Security Systems
Backing Up Security Records
Posted on September 24, 2018 at 8:42 pm
Much of what a security company uses will be records of their work and clients, making sure they have everything in a database so they can continue to provide a good security service. These details are essential and will affect a security agency’s ability to complete their work well. This is why it’s so important to back up all this data on a regular basis.
Your security data doesn’t just allow you to keep information safe, it also allows you to help your clients better. For example, if someone calls up and they are a longstanding client, you will need to be able to access their information to know which services they use. This will look professional and will give them confidence in your service. It could harm your service not to keep these records, preventing you having the information you need about the specifics of the work carried out for a client.
Posted in IT Security
Do Alarms Really Work in a Retail Environment?
Posted on August 28, 2018 at 8:13 pm
Lots of shops have alarms by their doors, which are meant to go off if somebody is trying to steal an item. They will usually be set off by a bar code or a tag, though one of the issues is that other objects in somebody’s shopping might also set them off accidentally. It is also possible for thieves to take tags off, and some will come prepared so they can remove them before taking them out of the shop.
AlarmsĀ are efficient to a point, but cannot ever be a replacement for an actual security presence. If there isn’t a security person in the vicinity, alarms are a little pointless anyway, as thieves might set them off but there isn’t anybody there to stop them. Security guards can watch people closely and make sure nothing is being stolen, and their presence will act as a deterrent as well, helping put thieves off.
Posted in Security Systems
Do you Really Need a Security Service?
Posted on July 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Security might seem like a high cost, but what cost can you put on safety? Many businesses and corporations think they might be able to cut costs by not hiring security services, however there are multiple benefits that you can enjoy from these services. These include:
- Peace of mind. There is nothing quite as beneficial as peace of mind, that you are doing things right for your business and are keeping to your personal responsibilities.
- Site safety. A tight security presence ensures it is hard to people to gain unlawful access and your site will be well looked after.
- Staff safety. Nothing is more important than the safety of your staff. Security guards will help protect them in the workplace.
- Regular feedback and detailed record keeping. If you hire security services with an agency, then you will be able to get information from the agency themselves about what the security personnel did and the records they kept.
Posted in Security Systems
The Power of the Internet in Security Systems
Posted on May 22, 2018 at 9:04 pm
There are many robust security systems out there, and now, lots of the top ones will also use the internet to support them. This means that they security systems have the power to be integrated, efficient and well backed up, whilst making use of everyday technology that can have more uses than you might realise.
Building security can be greatly enhanced in the age of the internet. For example, you might use fingerprint technology to enter the building. This can then be linked up to a wireless system that will register who is and who isn’t inside the building.
It is also possible to integrate CCTV systems and alarms using wireless networks. They will all work together as one wider security system, and this connection can also make them easier to control. It is also possible to have them integrated with fire and police services, so your building is covered in the case of an emergency.
Posted in Security Systems
Making Sure you Don’t Fall Victim to Online Scams
Posted on March 31, 2018 at 9:27 am
Scams are becoming a real risk for internet users in the UK. There are many hackers and scammers about, who are looking to steal people’s details, steal money or intercept transactions in order to get their hands on money that isn’t theirs. There are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe online and don’t fall victim to scams:
- Never give out your bank details. If someone asks you for your bank details over the internet, never give them out. Your bank wouldn’t do this, but people try to pose as your bank so that you trust them.
- Don’t open emails if they look unusual. If there is a link within the email and you don’t know who it’s from, do not click on it.
- Be wary if someone changes their bank details. If you get an email from a company claiming they have changed their bank details, check with them first – and use the details you have on file, not the ones in the email, as these could be fraudulent too.
Posted in Online Security