Yearly Archives: 2014

Computer Security

Posted on May 21, 2014 at 3:47 pm

The computer security services industry consists of a wide range of different services, all trying to accomplish the same, but to differing degrees. The level of service you require should line up with the level of security concerns which your business experiences. Having a firewall, anti-spam, and anti-virus program within your business’s security system is essential for all businesses with a computer reliant business, but this is only the basic level of security offered by the computer security industry. While many of these are things we’re already familiar with, they can be taken to higher levels than what is readily available. Higher grade security programs, and higher grade firewalls will definitely add cost, so you should carefully consider how much value you could potentially derive from choosing such an option, and then construct a forecast to determine whether it is worth it. If it is, then you can do one of two things. You can have them programmed bespoke for your needs, or you can choose an existing but highly complex system.

Posted in Online Security

Electronic Combination Safe Locks

Posted on April 21, 2014 at 2:23 pm

Safety and security is a great concern in today’s world whether for an individual or for any commercial enterprise to keep their business documents, cash or expensive items safe. With rapid technological advancement more precise and highly and secure safety equipment are being made these days however, an interesting fact is that lawbreakers are also adopting modern techniques to break these safety equipment. Using an electronic combination safe locks system is the best option available today for countering such drawbacks.

Electronic combination safe locks are not only easy to use, but they also offer flexibility and a variety of safety options to make the safe almost unbreakable. This lock system contains an electronic key pad but multiple numerals with which you can make thousands of combinations to encode the lock. The probability of decoding such combination by other person is almost zero because of the widest range of the possible combinations. Another advantage of electronic combination safe locks are time delay-setting capability that lets you can limit the number of opening efforts. Other benefits involved with these safe locks includes, alarm for wrongful openings, dual setting options and remote buzzer indicator to warn security personals if tried by an unauthorized person.



Posted in Security Systems

Security Log Books

Posted on March 18, 2014 at 1:24 pm

A logbook is mainly a record keeping book used for enlisting the information of various activities performed. These activities may involve in any fields such as security, transportation, traffic control, visitors or employee records, flight data records, patient admittance records or some other activities. The use of papers & pen is gradually decreasing with the invention of computers and nowadays, digital record keeping is more preferable then the conventional paper registers for documentation.

Security logbooks, as its name indicates used for keeping information about security related activities such as search and patrolling, visitors’ information, guards records, transportation of goods, shift logs, incidences logs, security professionals attendance logs, time keeping or any other logs. The main purpose of keeping security logbooks is for monitor retinal activities, analyzing incidences, strategy planning and for making reports. Many sudden mishaps and natural disaster causing reasons successfully monitored, analyzed and revealed only because of keeping security logbooks otherwise many such mishaps may remain unrevealed. Therefore, you can find the use of logbooks in every sector nowadays.

Posted in Security Systems

Information on Web Security

Posted on February 22, 2014 at 3:36 pm

As the technologies are advancing it has become very important for monitoring the organisation’s valuable and sensitive information. In an organisation for exchange of data and many other business details with the clients, business partners and vendors it is very necessary to use the internet. In various cases, during the transferring of the data the hackers compromise the transmission medium or network and they illegally gain the data. Web security is the computer security that is related to the internet that often involves browser security. It also involves the network security on the general level. The objectives of it are to establish the rules and the measures to use against the attacks over the internet.

A firewall acts as a main defense for your web security. It carries out the routine security checks and the blocking techniques which is done at particular time intervals which then helps to stop the attacks. For the web security many companies are also hiring third parties to review the procedures and policies of the company.

Posted in Security Systems

Data Deduplication

Posted on February 13, 2014 at 10:59 am

Data deduplication is a technique of identifying and removing numerous occurrences of the same data. Often, computers generate redundant data even without your knowledge. Deduplication is used to reduce the storage capacity requirements of a system by removing duplicate data. Data deduplication generates a reference to the saved copy remaining so as to ensure other systems which originally referenced the duplicate data are capable of calling up the original data.

With data deduplication, the redundant data is eliminated because it is no longer needed. Only one instance remains in the storage device, thereby allowing for a more efficient use of storage all through the network. Whether you are concerned about SQL server virtualisation performance or about costs, reducing redundancy is really important.

Data deduplication is not only ideal for recovery of storage capacity, it can also save your organisation money. This is because you will buy more disk arrays in case your hard disk arrays get filled up with redundant data without your knowledge. Data deduplication is one of the many data reduction processes which are used together to optimise storage and also reduce costs in an SQL server virtualisation or enterprise storage environment.

Posted in Security Systems

Buckingham Palace Guards

Posted on January 13, 2014 at 3:40 pm

The silent guards we experience in front of Buckingham Palace (and definitely on other places in London and Windsor) are the Queen’s Guard better known as “Buckingham Palace Guards”. Showing the traditions of the historic past through their red and black outfit and ceremonial duties, these Guards also perform operational roles in the UK as skilled soldiers.

Buckingham Palace Guards are from the Household Division who have secured the Royal Palaces and the Sovereign since the year 1660.
The Household Division is formed of 7 regiments of the British Army:

1. The Life Guards (Regiment of Household Cavalry)
2. The Blues & Royals (Regiment of Household Cavalry)
3. The Coldstream Guards (Regiment of Foot Guards)
4. The Grenadier Guards (Regiment of Foot Guards)
5. The Irish Guards (Regiment of Foot Guards)
6. The Scots Guards (Regiment of Foot Guards)
7. The Welsh Guards (Regiment of Foot Guards)

Buckingham Palace Guards draw public attention specially when changing the guard happens. These foot guards, standing on a specific spot, has become popular icons as part of the British history.

Posted in Security Systems